5 Types of Brokerage Accounts and How They Compare

Nov 1, 2023 |

There are several types of brokerage accounts available for investors looking to participate in the financial markets. Let's explore some of the most common types and compare their characteristics:

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What is a Margin Account: The Basics

Nov 1, 2023 |

A margin account is a type of trading account offered by brokerages that allows traders to borrow funds from the broker to purchase securities. This borrowing enables traders to utilize leverage, which can amplify potential returns on investment.

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What Is a Cash Account: The Basics

Nov 1, 2023 |

A cash account, also known as a cash trading account or cash-only account, is a type of brokerage account that allows investors to trade a variety of assets, including stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, options, and more. Unlike a margin account, a cash account does not permit margin trading or borrowing funds from the broker to make trades.

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Retirement Brokerage Accounts: The Benefits of Investing for Retirement

Nov 1, 2023 |

Retirement brokerage accounts offer numerous benefits when it comes to investing for retirement. Here are some key advantages to consider:

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What is a Custodial Brokerage Account?

Nov 1, 2023 |

In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of exchanges, it is essential for new investors to familiarize themselves with various aspects related to exchanges.

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What Is a Prop Trading Account?

Nov 1, 2023 |

A prop trading account is a crucial component of a funded trader program, wherein a trading firm supplies capital to a trader to conduct trades in financial markets. The trader must typically pass an evaluation process, showcasing their proficiency in trading, risk management, and consistency. Once they meet the firm's criteria and successfully complete the evaluation, they receive an allocation of capital to execute trades.

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What Is the Pattern Day Trader (PDT) Rule?

Nov 1, 2023 |

The Pattern Day Trader (PDT) Rule is a regulation established by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that governs traders who frequently engage in day trading.

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529 Plans

Nov 1, 2023 |

Saving for education is a significant priority for families and students. When considering various financial tools, the 529 plan emerges as an appealing option due to its flexibility and tax advantages.

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401(k) Plans

Nov 1, 2023 |

Securing financial stability in retirement is a common concern for many individuals. To achieve this goal, it is crucial to understand and actively participate in a 401(k) plan - a fundamental tool for retirement savings.

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